Be an AWS Certified Practitioner and step toward achieving an Associate-level or Specialty certification. It is necessary to effectively demonstrate the knowledge and skills to have an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud.
They have their latest certification AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) that costs 100 USD each.
CNCTC is an Authorized Pearson Vue Testing Center that can deliver different certification exams given by Amazon Web Services, Linux, COMPTIA, Microsoft and others. Come take your certification Exam at CNCTC. Our testing staff are very sociable, responsive and easy to deal with. We are pleased to assist you in conducting your certification testing registration.
Please do visit CNCTC and be Certified!
May I know what will be the schedule of this? do you have every weekend?
Hi I am interested in this training. When will you have it available? And how much
Hello, thank you for your interest. Discounted course fee is P14,800. Enrollment is still open and kindly fill up this reservation form https://www.cnctc.edu.ph/reservation_form.php
Thank you.