COURSE DURATION : 4 days 9-3pm
This course will teach you from the ground up in developing software using Python programming language. Python is widely used high-level programming language for general purpose usage. This course covers the essential topics to kick-start your career in Python programming.
Instructor-led, classroom/laboratory-delivery learning model with structured hands-on and minds-on activities and laboratory activities.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Familiarity with any programming language can help but not necessarily required. Needs basic computing knowledge.
CERTIFICATION: Training Certificate will be provided after completing the training
After completing this course you will learn how to:
- Use Python Modes
- Use Built-in Functions
- Use Variables
- Master Python Statements
- Manipulate Keyboard Input
- Use Select Statements
- Implement Repetition Statements
- Use Python Containers
- File Input and Output
- Python Modes
- Interactive
- Help utility
- Keywords
- Symbols
- Variables
- Data type
- Identifier
- Assignment operator
- Value
- Python Statements
- Carriage returns
- Colon :
- Indentation
- Keyboard Input
- Assessment Exam / Project
- Built-in Functions
- Prompt
- Selection Statements
- Boolean expressions and variables
- The if Statement
- Nested-if Statements
- Repetition Statements (Loops)
- The while Statement
- The for Statement
- Nested-for Statements
- Assessment Exam / Project
- Python Containers
- Tuple
- List
- Set
- Dictionary
- File Input and Output
- File Object
- High-Level File I/O
- Assessment Exam / Project

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