When in the Philippines you can take your CCNA certification exam at CNCTC, Inc one of the most reliable PearsonView testing centers in Manila. You can schedule your exam online at Pearson View, just choose Computer Networking Career and Training Center in the Testing center sites options or you can let us schedule your exam at our testing center. We accept on the day walk-in exam. Just bring 2 valid IDs, one primary id such as government-issued ids and 1 secondary id. See you on the day of your exam.

Where may I take the CompTIA certification exam and how much?
Hi Mary Grace. You can take your COMPTIA certification exams at CNCTC. We are an authorized testing center for COMPTIA exams
This is our Testing facility location Rm 210 Dona Amparo Bldg., Espana Blvd. corner G. Tolentino St. Sampaloc Manila
Tel. Nos. (02) 8736-2032 / 8736-5196 / 8735-6579